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ಕ್ನೌ ಫ್ಯೂಚರ್ :: ಸೈಬರ್ Punkx ನಾಟ್ ಡೆಡ್ ! ^°^

Effective Date: June 30, 2007

A Violation of any of the below Terms of Service will result in action by 000Webhost up to and possibly including the termination of your account, with or without warning.

000Webhost is a private service which provides free web hosting. We offer our free members up to 1500MB of web space, and 100GB data transfer per account. 000Webhost reserves the right to cancel any account for any reason or no reason at all. 000Webhost provides web hosting to any site that abides to our terms and conditions. 000Webhost reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. 000Webhost users are entirely liable for all activities conducted through your account.

The following rules apply while using 000Webhost services:

The most important rules are:

1. No adult content of any kind (allowed if you upgrade account)

2. No warez / hacking / phishing sites

3. No mass mailers / spammers (account will be automatically suspended if you will try to send mass mail), so if your software supports such feature, disable it right now.

4. We do not allow any file sharing scripts to be run. (allowed if you upgrade account)

5. Chat, proxy, or file download scripts are not allowed. (allowed if you upgrade account)

6. Paid-to-surf, auto-surf, buxto, and any other similar scripts are banned (allowed if you upgrade account)

7. We do not allow online gaming scripts such as ogame, mafia, etc.. (allowed if you upgrade account)

8. Nulled software such as ip.board or vbulletin is not allowed to be hosted

9. Account cannot be used to store files only (allowed if you upgrade account)

10. Sites related to torrents cannot be hosted (allowed if you upgrade account)

Other rules:
Obscene, graphically violent, and other inappropriate content is strictly prohibited.

000Webhost is not responsible for the content of any member homepages. We reserve the right to remove any homepages that are in violation of our terms and conditions. Members will be held legally responsible for the contents of their web pages including but not limited to use of copyrighted material without the permission of the author or posting material considered indecent for minors. The use of 000Webhost Homepages for illegal purposes is strictly forbidden and any homepage found to be or believed to be, in 000Webhost sole discretion, violating the law may be removed without notice. 000Webhost membership will be revoked if any of the following activities occur:

• Hate, Bigotry, and/or Intolerance
• Warez or Software Piracy related
• Music Piracy Related
• Hacking Related
• Making available copyrighted software which has been "cracked" (e.g., copyright protection for the software has been removed)
• Making available serial numbers for software which can be used to illegally validate or register software.
• Making available tools which can be used for no purpose other than "cracking" software.
• Spamming to promote your website
• Anything related to illegal activity

You agree to not use the Service to:

1. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
2. harm minors in any way;
3. impersonate any person or entity.
4. forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Service;
5. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
6. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights ("Rights") of any party;
7. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as shopping) that are designated for such purpose ;
8. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
9. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that is of broadcast / streaming types.
10. interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service;
11. intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, including, without limitation, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ, and any regulations having the force of law;
12. provide material support or resources (or to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, or ownership of material support or resources) to any organization(s) designated by the United States government as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
13. "stalk" or otherwise harass another; and/or
14. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise material for the purposes of file distribution, relay, or streaming reasons.
15. collect or store personal data about other users in connection with the prohibited conduct and activities set forth in paragraphs 1 through 14 above.

We do not allow any type of programs, software, or MP3 files on our server unless you are the full owner and have all rights to the file. Copyrighted files not belonging to users posting those files may be deleted without notice!
You and any person who has access to your account must evaluate, and bear the risk associated with, the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any Content. 000Webhost reserves the right to remove Content which is deemed in 000Webhost sole discretion harmful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of the Rules or any rules or policies 000Webhost has in place at the time.
You or 000Webhost may terminate your Account at any time for any reason. To remove your 000Webhost site and account, log in and visit your My Account section.


000Webhost will not be liable for any of its services. We have the right to cancel our service at any time, and we will not be liable for any files that are lost and/or corrupted which may occur (including, for example, from a system crash, security breach, or hard disk failure). To the full extent permissible under the applicable law, 000Webhost shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use 000Webhost services. You agree, at your own expense, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless 000Webhost and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, suppliers and licensors from and against any and all third party claims, liability, damages, losses and/or costs (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or relating to: (a) your failure to comply with these terms of use; (b) your infringement or violation of any intellectual property or other right of a third party; or (c) your violation of any applicable law.


ಫಾಯ ಬರ್ನಿಂಗ್ ಇನ ದಿ ಬಬ್ಯ್ಲೋನ್

""Le miracle des Ardents" de 994.

Ci-dessus à gauche le sarcophage attribué dans un premier temps à saint Martial et à ses côtés celui de sainte Valérie. Après une relecture du texte de Grégoire de Tours (538-594) et de ce qu'on sait des pèlerinages au tombeau de saint Martial, il s'agirait des tombes de ses deux compagnons, saint Alpinien et saint Austriclinien. Le sarcophage de saint Martial serait celui de droite et attribué à Tève le Duc dont le nom n'apparaît qu'à la fin du premier millénaire. Quoiqu'il en soit la sépulture de saint Martial se trouvait à cet endroit.

Le Mal des Ardents, appelé encore feu sacré, feu Saint Antoine, a sévi à plusieurs reprises sous la forme épidémique dans certaines provinces de France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Sicile du Xème au XIIème siècles. En 994, de grandes pluies ravagèrent l'Aquitaine. Le seigle était alors l'aliment de base de nos populations. Dans ces conditions l'ergot de seigle se développa et fut la cause de l'épidémie. L'ergotisme gangreneux trouva au sein de populations aux conditions de vie précaires et rudes, un terrain de choix pour se propager. Le terrible fléau apparut à Limoges ainsi que dans toute l'Aquitaine, la Touraine et jusqu'en Bourgogne.

Dans la foi vivante de cette époque, les Lémovices implorèrent avec une très grande ferveur leur Saint protecteur, saint Martial. Devant tant de détresse, l'évêque Hilduin sacré Évêque de Limoges en 990, en accord avec son frère, l'abbé de Saint Martial, Geoffroy Ier, convoqua à Limoges tous les évêques de l'Aquitaine pour y célébrer avec eux une cérémonie d'intercession. Un jeûne de trois jours et de prières précéda ce grand rassemblement.

Le 12 Novembre 994, l'abbé de Saint Martial Geoffroy Ier, Hilduin Évêque de Limoges, Gondebaud archevêque de Bordeaux et l'archevêque de Bourges, les évêques d'Angoulême, de Clermont, de Mende, de Périgueux, de Poitiers, du Puy et de Saintes, les moines de l'abbaye de Saint Martial, Guillaume IV duc d'Aquitaine, suivis d'une foule immense de pèlerins portèrent en une procession solennelle les Reliques des Saints Limousins, la Relique de saint Martial, de la basilique du Sauveur(1) sur une colline dominant la ville.

La contagion cessa soudain à la suite de cette première ostension des Saints Limousins. Le nom de Mont de la joie ou Montjovis fut donné à cette colline.

En signe de reconnaissance d'un tel miracle et pour en perpétuer le souvenir on décida d'élever en ce lieu une chapelle(2) qui prit le nom de Saint Martial de Mont-Jauvy. Elle devait disparaître peu après la révolution.

Dans la joie de la santé retrouvée et mettant à profit la réunion à Limoges des évêques autour de l'évêque Hilduin, ceux-ci avisèrent d'imposer aux seigneurs un "Pacte de Paix et de Justice" avec menaces d'interdits contre ceux qui ne le respecteraient pas, leur enjoignant de limiter la guerre aux combattants et de respecter les populations et leurs biens. Dans un monde de sévices étaient jetés les germes de pacification, premier jalon de ce qui deviendra plus tard en 1040 sous l'influence de Saint Odilon de Cluny, la " Trêve de Dieu ".

Deux réflexions suggèrent les évènements de notre lointain passé :

Les moines de l'abbaye de Saint Martial vont recueillir de ce Miracle un surcroît de prestige pour leur abbaye et leur Saint Patron.

Les évêques manifestent par leur intervention en faveur de la paix leur rôle social de défenseurs des populations et des faibles. Ils restent fidèles à leur mission sacrée d'autant qu'eux mêmes appartiennent par leurs origines à ce même monde féodal.

(1) Aujourd'hui à l'emplacement de la Place de la République.

(2) Aujourd'hui à l'emplacement du Mémorial du Mont-Jovis. "



4.2 Tencent hereby reminds the User that, in order to reserve the discretionary right of Tencent in its business development and adjustment, Tencent shall be entitled to amend or suspend the license of the Software at any time and without prior notice to the User. If necessary, the notice of amendment or suspension will be published on Tencent’s website.

4.3 If the User’s breach of this Agreement or relevant terms of service brings about any third party’s claims, demands or losses, including reasonable attorney’s fee, You hereby agree to indemnify and keep Tencent and its Partners or affiliated companies indemnified against all losses incurred because of the said claims, demands or losses. Depending on the nature of the User’s behaviour, Tencent has the right to take following actions, including but not limited to, suspend the license, cease provision of the service, restrict the use, take back the QQ account or resort to lawsuit. Tencent has the right to take back the QQ account if the User conducts any illegal activities, harass or deceive other users by using his or her QQ account.

4.4 The User shall bear all risks arising from the use of the Software. Tencent and its Partners do not provide any warranty in any form for the Software, whether express, implied, or statutory warranty and condition, including but not limited to express or implied warranties and condition as to its MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, virus-free, negligence-free, or free from technical defect, or that the Software is properly owned and does not infringe any existing rights. Tencent and its Partners bear no responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, particular and subsequent loss and risk because of the use of the Software or failure to use the same in any circumstances.

4.5 The use of the Software involves the Internet service, which may be affected by various unstable factors; Since the service may be suspended or blocked because of force majeure events, computer virus, hacker attack, instability of the system, the location of the User, User switching off the computer, illegal information and blocking of the harassing information, as well as other issues related to the network, technology, communication circuit and information security management, there is a risk that the User’s demand may not be met. The User must understand and bear these risks solely and Tencent and its Partners bear no liability if the User is unable to send, accept or read information, or sends or receives wrong information because of the said risks.

4.6 When using the Software, there is a risk that the User may receive some threatening, defaming, annoying or illegal information from anonymous or imposturous source. The User must be aware of and bear these risks and Tencent and its Partners do not warrant that any of the said information is true, proper and legal.

4.7 Tencent and its Partners bear no liability for the User’s possible economic loss due to a third party’s communication error, technical problem, network or computer failure, system instability, or other force majeure events.

4.8 In case the normal operation of the service is affected by force majeure events, like technical failure, Tencent and its Partners agree to cooperate with related parties promptly to solve the problem. Nevertheless, Tencent and its Partners bear no responsibility for the User’s possible loss arising therefrom.

4.9 If the User suffers any psychological, physical damage or economic loss from being misled or deceived when communicating with other users, it is the wrongdoer, but not Tencent or its Partners, who shall bear all the responsibilities.

5 Other articles

5.1 The invalidity of any or part of the articles of this Agreement does not affect the validity of other articles.

5.2 Laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China are the governing law for the interpretation of, validity of and settlement of disputes arising from this Agreement. When any dispute or controversy arises between Tencent and the User, the two parties shall resolve the same through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, the User hereby agrees that the dispute or controversy shall be resolved in the court located in the jurisdiction where Tencent resides.

5.3 Customer Service hotline of Tencent: +86-755-8376-5566. Your call is welcome.

5.4 The English version of this Agreement is for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

All copyrights and rights of interpretation are reserved by Tencent.

Tencent Company